Writing UI applications that can query the RPM database with Python

Python has available many UI frameworks. Majority of them are very mature with Open Source and commercial support, some are mostly bindings to already available C/C++ UI libraries; in any case, the choice of which library to use comes to 3 factors:

  1. Maturity: it is well-supported by the community, it is stable, does it have good documentation
  2. Integration with Python: You may think this is an understatement but this may pose a significant entry barrier to the toolkit (you don't want to feel you are writing a GUI in an assembler, after all is Python)
  3. Does it support your use case?: If you want to write mostly forms then libraries like Pyform or Tkinter may be better for you (Tkinker is very well known). If your GUI is more complex than WXPython may be a better fit as it supports a wide range of features.

A good system administrator you should definitely know how to make more user-friendly applications. You will be surprised how much they can improve your productivity and also the productivity of your users.

A quick detour: Prepare your environment

If you want to follow this short tutorial, you should do the following

sudo dnf install -y python3-rpm
git clone git@github.com:josevnz/tutorials.git
cd rpm_query
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ~/virtualenv/rpm_query
. ~/virtualenv/rpm_query/bin/activate
python setup.py developer

You are good to go.

Our use case: Show the list of RPMS, sorted by size

Our application it is not too complex, it should be able to do the following

  • Show nicely the following output:
(rpm_query) [josevnz@dmaf5 rpm_query]$ rpmq_simple.py --limit 10
linux-firmware-20210818: 395,099,476
code-1.61.2: 303,882,220
brave-browser-1.31.87: 293,857,731
libreoffice-core- 287,370,064
thunderbird-91.1.0: 271,239,962
firefox-92.0: 266,349,777
glibc-all-langpacks-2.32: 227,552,812
mysql-workbench-community-8.0.23: 190,641,403
java-11-openjdk-headless- 179,469,639
iwl7260-firmware- 148,167,043
  • Allow the user to re-run the query, overriding number of matches, name of the package and sorting by size in bytes.

Using a text UI: Rich

Will McGugan wrote an incredible easy to use framework called rich; It doesn't offer tons of widgets (a sister project still in beta named Textual is more component oriented. Just check this table example).

Installing rich

[josevnz@dmaf5 rpm_query]$ pip install rich

rpmq script, rich version

Don't get fooled, below is the code of my python script with a progress bar and results on a really nice table:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# rpmq_rich.py - A simple CLI to query the sizes of RPM on your system
Author: Jose Vicente Nunez
import argparse
import textwrap
from reporter import __is_valid_limit__
from reporter.rpm_query import QueryHelper
from rich.table import Table
from rich.progress import Progress

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=textwrap.dedent(__doc__))
        type=__is_valid_limit__,  # Custom limit validator
        help="By default results are unlimited but you can cap the results"
        help="You can filter by a package name."
        help="Sorted results are enabled bu default, but you fan turn it off"
    args = parser.parse_args()

    with QueryHelper(
    ) as rpm_query:
        rpm_table = Table(title="RPM package name and sizes")
        rpm_table.add_column("Name", justify="right", style="cyan", no_wrap=True)
        rpm_table.add_column("Size (bytes)", justify="right", style="green")
        with Progress(transient=True) as progress:
            querying_task = progress.add_task("[red]RPM query...", start=False)
            current = 0
            for package in rpm_query:
                if current >= args.limit:
                rpm_table.add_row(f"{package['name']}-{package['version']}", f"{package['size']:,.0f}")
                progress.console.print(f"[yellow]Processed package: [green]{package['name']}-{package['version']}")
                current += 1
            progress.update(querying_task, advance=100.0)

It is amazing how easy was to add a table, and a progress bar to the original script.

So how the new improved text UI look like?

Using Tkinter

Tkinter is a collection of frameworks: TCL, TK and widgets (Ttk).

The framework is mature, and it has TONS of documentation and examples. There is also BAD documentation out there, so I would suggest you stick with the official tutorial and then once you master the basis move on with other tutorials.

Few things to notice: * Quickly check if your system has Tkinter properly installed like this: python -m tkinter * You make your GUI responsive to events by using callback functions (command=) * Tkinter communicate using special variables that track changes for you (*Var, like StringVar)

So how the code looks now?

#!/usr/bin/env python
# rpmq_tkinter.py - A simple CLI to query the sizes of RPM on your system
This example is more complex because:
 * Uses callbacks (commands) to update the GUI and also deals
 * Deals with placement of components using a frame with Grid and a flow layout
Author: Jose Vicente Nunez
import argparse
import textwrap
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
from reporter import __is_valid_limit__
from reporter.rpm_query import QueryHelper

def __initial__search__(*, window: Tk, name: str, limit: int, sort: bool, table: Treeview) -> NONE:
    Populate the table with an initial search using CLI args
    :param window:
    :param name:
    :param limit:
    :param sort:
    :param table:
    with QueryHelper(name=name, limit=limit, sorted_val=sort) as rpm_query:
        row_id = 0
        for package in rpm_query:
            if row_id >= limit:
            package_name = f"{package['name']}-{package['version']}"
            package_size = f"{package['size']:,.0f}"
                values=(package_name, package_size)
            window.update()  # Update the UI as soon we get results
            row_id += 1

def __create_table__(main_w: Tk) -> Treeview:
    * Create a table using a tree component, with scrolls on both sides (vertical, horizontal)
    * Let the UI 'pack' or arrange the components, not using a grid here
    * The table will react to the components actions and values defined on the filtering components.
    :param main_w
    scroll_y = Scrollbar(main_w)
    scroll_y.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
    scroll_x = Scrollbar(main_w, orient='horizontal')
    scroll_x.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
    tree = Treeview(main_w, yscrollcommand=scroll_y.set, xscrollcommand=scroll_x.set)
    tree['columns'] = ('package_name', 'package_size')
    tree.column("#0", width=0, stretch=NO)
    tree.column("package_name", anchor=CENTER, width=500)
    tree.column("package_size", anchor=CENTER, width=100)
    tree.heading("#0", text="", anchor=CENTER)
    tree.heading("package_name", text="Name", anchor=CENTER)
    tree.heading("package_size", text="Size (bytes)", anchor=CENTER)
    return tree

def __cli_args__() -> argparse.Namespace:
    Command line argument parsing
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=textwrap.dedent(__doc__))
        type=__is_valid_limit__,  # Custom limit validator
        help="By default results are unlimited but you can cap the results"
        help="You can filter by a package name."
        help="Sorted results are enabled bu default, but you fan turn it off"
    return parser.parse_args()

def __reset_command__() -> None:
    Callback to reset the UI form filters
    Doesn't trigger a new search. This is on purpose!

def __ui_search__() -> None:
    Re-do a search using UI filter settings
    for i in results_tbl.get_children():
        window=win, name=query_v.get(), limit=limit_v.get(), sort=sort_v.get(), table=results_tbl)

def test(arg):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = __cli_args__()
    win = Tk()
    win.title("RPM Search results")
    # Search frame with filtering options. Force placement using a grid
    search_f = LabelFrame(text='Search options:', labelanchor=N, relief=FLAT, padding=1)
    query_v = StringVar(value=args.name)
    query_e = Entry(search_f, textvariable=query_v, width=25)
    limit_v = IntVar(value=args.limit)
    limit_l = Label(search_f, text="Limit results: ")
    query_l = Spinbox(
        from_=1,  # from_ is not a typo and is annoying!
    sort_v = BooleanVar(value=args.sort)
    sort_c = Checkbutton(search_f, text="Sort by size", variable=sort_v)
    search_btn = Button(search_f, text="Search RPM", command=__ui_search__)
    clear_btn = Button(search_f, text="Reset filters", command=__reset_command__)
    package_l = Label(search_f, text="Package name: ").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
    search_f.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=3, rowspan=4)
    limit_l.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
    query_e.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=W)
    query_l.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky=W)
    sort_c.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky=W)
    search_btn.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W)
    clear_btn.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky=W)
    search_f.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
    results_tbl = __create_table__(win)
    results_tbl.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
        window=win, name=query_v.get(), limit=limit_v.get(), sort=sort_v.get(), table=results_tbl)

You can see the code is more verbose now, mostly due the event handling:

Also means you can re-do your queries once the script starts by tweaking the parameters on the search options frame.

Another way to do it: DearPyGui

DearPyGui by Jonathan Hoffstadt is cross platform (Linux, Windows, OSX) and it has some really nice capabilities.

Installing DearPyGui

If you have a recent system (like Fedora 33, Windows 10 Pro) then installation should be easy enough

[josevnz@dmaf5 rpm_query]$ pip install dearpygui

So let's take a look how the re-write of the application looks like:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# rpmq_dearpygui.py - A simple CLI to query the sizes of RPM on your system
Author: Jose Vicente Nunez
import argparse
import textwrap

from reporter import __is_valid_limit__
from reporter.rpm_query import QueryHelper
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg

TABLE_TAG = "query_table"
MAIN_WINDOW_TAG = "main_window"

def __cli_args__() -> argparse.Namespace:
    Command line argument parsing
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=textwrap.dedent(__doc__))
        type=__is_valid_limit__,  # Custom limit validator
        help="By default results are unlimited but you can cap the results"
        help="You can filter by a package name."
        help="Sorted results are enabled bu default, but you fan turn it off"
    return parser.parse_args()

def __reset_form__():
    dpg.set_value("package_name", args.name)
    dpg.set_value("limit_text", args.limit)
    dpg.set_value("sort_by_size", args.sort)

def __run_initial_query__(
        package: str,
        limit: int,
        sorted_elem: bool
) -> None:
    Need to ensure the table gets removed.
    See issue: https://github.com/hoffstadt/DearPyGui/issues/1350
    if dpg.does_alias_exist(TABLE_TAG):
        dpg.delete_item(TABLE_TAG, children_only=False)
    if dpg.does_alias_exist(TABLE_TAG):
    with dpg.table(header_row=True, resizable=True, tag=TABLE_TAG, parent=MAIN_WINDOW_TAG):
        dpg.add_table_column(label="Name", parent=TABLE_TAG)
        dpg.add_table_column(label="Size (bytes)", default_sort=True, parent=TABLE_TAG)
        with QueryHelper(
        ) as rpm_query:
            current = 0
            for package in rpm_query:
                if current >= args.limit:
                with dpg.table_row(parent=TABLE_TAG):
                current += 1

def __run__query__() -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    args = __cli_args__()

    with dpg.window(label="RPM Search results", tag=MAIN_WINDOW_TAG):
        dpg.add_text("Run a new search")
        dpg.add_input_text(label="Package name", tag="package_name", default_value=args.name)
        with dpg.tooltip("package_name"):
            dpg.add_text("Leave empty to search all packages")
        dpg.add_checkbox(label="Sort by size", tag="sort_by_size", default_value=args.sort)
        with dpg.tooltip("limit_text"):
            dpg.add_text(f"Limit to {QueryHelper.MAX_NUMBER_OF_RESULTS} number of results")
        with dpg.group(horizontal=True):
            dpg.add_button(label="Search", tag="search", callback=__run__query__)
            with dpg.tooltip("search"):
                dpg.add_text("Click here to search RPM")
            dpg.add_button(label="Reset", tag="reset", callback=__reset_form__)
            with dpg.tooltip("reset"):
                dpg.add_text("Reset search filters")

    dpg.create_viewport(title='RPM Quick query tool')

You will notice than DearPyGUI uses contexts when nesting components and that makes it much easier when creating the GUI. The code is also less verbose than the Tkinter code, and the support for types is much better (Pycharm for example offers you to autocomplete arguments to methods, etc.)

DearPyGui is still very young (version 1.0.3 at the time of this writing) and has a few bugs, specially on older Linux distributions, but looks very promising and is in very active development stage.

So how the UI looks like?

What is next for you?

  1. You have many options in Python to make your scripts more user-friendly. Even simple actions like using Argparse will make a big impact in the way a script is used.
  2. Look for the official documentation, user groups. Also don't forget the good tutorials out there, for example Rich, and Tkinter are mature alternatives to make your UI much better. Also DearPyGUI looks very promising.
  3. Not everything needs a complex UI. Frameworks like Rich make it trivial to improve your programs by making exceptions and objects inspections more readable on your text only scripts.